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Drop in Workshops

Welcome to Espression Arts 


Espression Arts is an Award Winning Project which gets individuals and communities connected and creative. 


Do you work with a group of people who would love to get creative?


Have you got a birthday party coming up or opportunity for a gathering for friends or colleagues?


Our trained staff and volunteers are to help you, your residents, clients children and families to have a go at art. 


Have you always wanted to have a go at ceramics, mosaics or glass painting but never had the chance?


Espression Arts CIC has a passion for communities in Kent of all ages and abilities.  We want to offer arts and wellbeing to everyone. 


Do you have some spare time on your hands and had always thought about volunteering with your local community? We would love working with others and look forward to hearing from you.


If you have any questions or enquiries don't hesitate to contact us now following this link by email, we would love to help you right away.


Keep reading to find out more about ways we can work creatively with you!

Free Monthly Community Coffee Tuesday Mornings (11am-1pm) in City Space - 49 Northgate, Canterbury CT1 


Free Arts and Wellbeing Sessions for Collards House Residents, fortnightly, Wednesdays, 10am to 12 noon.


Free Arts and Wellbeing Sessions for Cranmer House Residents, fortnightly on Thursdays, 10am to 12 noon. 


Free Arts and Wellbeing Sessions for Whitgift Court Sheltered Housing fortnightly on Thursdays, 10am to 12 noon. 


Email to get more information or to express an interest in these sessions.

Whitstable and Herne Bay

How Espression Arts can help you? 

If you would like to find out more about Espression Arts CIC history and who is behind our business plesae follow this link for more information about us here. 

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Funders and Supporters Past and Present

Free Community Coffee Mornings in the Salvation Army Hall, Herne Bay, drop in for everyone, monthly, Wednesdays, 10am - 12noon, 


Free Arts and Wellbeing Sessions for Lang Court, Sheltered Housing Residents, Fortnightly, Friday's, 10am to 12noon. 


Free Arts and Wellbeing Sessions for Longfield Court, Sheltered Housing Residents, Fortnightly, Friday's, 10am to 12noon


Free Arts and Wellbeing Sessions for Thornehurst, for Sheltered Housing Residents, Fortnightly, Thursdays 10am to 12noon


Email to get more information or to express an interest in these sessions.


Free Community Coffee Mornings for Verterans in partnership with Kent arts and Wellbeing and Dover Royal British Legion. Wednesday's, monthly 10 - 12noon, contact us for dates and for more details.   


Email to get more information or to express an interest in these sessions.



Free Community Coffee Mornings  for Veterans in partnership with Kent arts and Wellbeing and Ramsgate Royal British Legion. Wednesday's, monthly 10 - 12noon, contact us for dates and for more details.   


Free Arts and Wellbeing Sessions for Manktelow Sheltered Housing and Orbit Residents, Fortnightly, Tuesdays, 10am to 12noon. 


Email to get more information or to express an interest in these sessions.


Follow @EspressionArts on Instagram for all our news
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